
How an Energy Services Inspection Can Boost Your Business

These commercial services can shrink your heating and cooling bills overnight.

Commercial services aren't just a method for improving your comfort at work. These professional services ensure your business’s heating and cooling dollars are well-spent. Some commercial services, like an energy services inspection, have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Ready to save money and maintain comfort in your business? Discover the ways an energy audit will help you to save big time (without sacrificing comfort!):

Determine Energy Use

Your bill doesn't break down how and when you use energy. An audit shows you when and where that heat and cold air gets delivered. You can't fine-tune your practices based on a "best guess," but with an audit you’ll have the information you need to make the necessary adjustments.

Identify Leaks and Other Problems

All HVAC systems lose conditioned air to leaks, but some properties pose bigger problems than others. A thorough audit will pinpoint areas of loss and give you the opportunity to have them fixed.

Assess Alternatives

Air conditioners last roughly ten years. Furnaces last around 15 years. After that, it's recommended you replace them simply to take advantage of higher efficiency rates. An audit will evaluate your system's performance and compare it to the expense of upgrading your equipment.

If you are tired of heating and cooling costs taking up so much of your business budget, schedule an energy audit and other commercial services. It’s time to tap into G + S’s experience and schedule your visit today, or get in touch with our team online now to explore how our commercial services can benefit your business.

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